Bonita- Dramatic Mother of the Bride
With her confidence, professionalism and shear talent, Betsey put me at ease. She was the first person who didn't try and put peach blush on me! You see I am a plum blush person. Peach just doesn't work! Usually I have to attempt to convince the makeup artist that "their" choice, peach, just doesn't work. Betsey was different.. She knew right off what would work. I was nervous at first because I wanted to look good for my daughters wedding. Almost immediately any concerns I may have had were gone. Having just met me, without my usual makeup on, Betsey was able to create a beautiful Mother of the Bride.
Betsey has my recommendation ANYTIME!
Bonita S.
Darien, Illinois
My name is Bonita and I'd like to tell you about my experience with Betsey
I may not be too "picky" about most things being "perfect". But, as far as mymakeup goes I AM "picky". I must ALWAYS look my best. For years I wouldn't even walk to the end of the driveway without my makeup on. To be seen in public without my makeup, NEVER. So for me to allow myself to be captured in a photo without makeup on should make me Uncomfortable. But.... .